Newborn Care Tips

Care & Cure For Kids

care & cure for kids

Newborn Care Tips

A vest, a full-sleeve frock, a napkin, a cap and socks would be required even in summer. In winter, 2 or 3 additional layers of woolen clothes are necessary. The baby should be wrapped in a double layer of cotton-sheet in summer and woolen blankets in winter. Additional clothes may be necessary in extremely cold conditions when baby is small and weak. The baby’s clothes should be made of natural fabric (cotton or wool).

  • Babies need proper clothes, which covers them properly especially head, hands and feet. They should not be over clothed as well.
  • Babies pass watery stools after first 3-4 days of life especially after feeding which is normal for them.
  • A baby, who is feeding well, will be passing urine at least 6 times a day.
  • Babies don’t need any kajal, Surma, Talcum powder or daily bath. Delay bath till umbilical cord falls.
  • Vaccination is the most cost-effective way of health for children.
Routine use of ready made napkins
  • Cloth or disposable, you may choose either.
  • Cloth diapers: Softer, inexpensive but need to be washed separately with soap and water.
  • Disposable diapers: Expensive, comfortable but need frequent change and air drying of groin area.
Normal urination pattern of newborn babies

Must pass urine within 48 hours of birth. Normal baby may pass urine every half an hour or only 4-5 times a day during the first few weeks of life. Some babies may cry before passing urine due to discomfort of a full bladder.

Normal stool pattern of neonates

Passes the first stool within 24 hours.  The stools are black and tar like in appearance during the first 2 or 3 days.  For the next 1 to 2 days the stools are greenish in color.  Later, the stool in a breast fed baby are golden yellow and semi-loose in consistency.  May pass small amount of stools every time there is a passage of wind or soon after every feed.  Frequency may be as much as 8 –12 stools per day or even more.  As long as the stools are not watery, do not contain blood or mucus, the baby is gaining weight and is not otherwise unwell, no treatment is required. Sometimes newborn babies may pass stools once in 3-4 days.  If stools are of normal consistency and appearance,   usually there is no cause for concern.

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Hiccups and sneezing are common and normal.

When should the umbilical stump fall ? What care should be taken ?

Usually falls anytime between 1 to 2 weeks after birth.  Sometimes there is a minimal ooze of blood secretions, it is normal.  Keep this area as clean and dry as possible. Do not cover it with the diaper.  Keep the area of umbilical stump clean with spirit.

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